
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Twitter Buzz

I was a little bit terrified when I found out that an important of my assignment would have to do with Twitter.
I opened the first page and neither did I know what a “Tweet” is, nor a “Hashtag”.
I work an average of 12 hours per day; I have a master degree on my mind, and now this? “Do I have to learn how to use it?”, “I didn’t need it so far and I don’t have any time to waste” I was complaining. But, I had to keep up with the rules, and actually, I started wondering what was all that buzz around that network.

This how Twitter looks to me
I started looking for Twitter GuideBooks, to get familiar with tweets and retweets and how can I enhance my business. It was a challenge for me to overcome my shyness, as I was afraid of whether my tweets and comments were right and worth paying attention to. However, what I soon came to realize was that my goal should be to build a community over what interests me and make my topic spread faster and easier.  
I started looking up for questions not only about my current work field, but also about my future business plans. The enhancement of my current knowledge and the update of the latest trends is the added value that Twitter offers me. Intriguing as it may seem, it helps me exceed my limits and think in a creative and innovative way.

And that is the significance of Twitter for a pr practitioner! In 140 – character bursts of information, a pr practitioner must be able to deal a crisis communication. Twitter makes someone try and work harder, therefore constant education and self improvement is secured.

What’s more? A pr practitioner has the opportunity to be a part of a greater community and share questions and inquiries to those with valuable experience. Nobody knows the answers to all questions, but Twitter guarantees that there is a community with your way of thinking, willing to share its experiences and knowledge.

Finally, when a pr practitioner is active on such a network, means that his firm is, too. As a result your followers may feel interconnected with the personal side of your firm that is reflected though your tweets.
I found out that using Twitter wisely may bring extraordinary results. Something that started as a trouble, turned out to be a fascinating network waiting to be explored!


1 comment:

Nikoleta Liti said...

Interesting article!

I have to admit that I am a big fun of Twitter.

When it comes to a pr practitioner perspective, things are becoming more complicated. You are searching for the best way to use the platform, find the best tools; you are trying to be always informed about everything. The latter, is something more than a hard goal to be achieved as, when it comes to converged media and technology in general, something that today might seem as an example of innovation, the next day can be already old!

Reading and following “experts” of the field seems to be the best practice for your company to remain informed however who can assure you that he actually is an expert in such a young field?

So “Keep Calm” and follow as many people as you can… This is my advice! Collect and compare information and always think twice since there are no actual converged media pundits out there!
So this is an interest article about Twitter beginners!